移りゆく季節に寄り添い、 旬の味覚と素材の持つ旨みを引き出す。
ひとつひとつの食材と真摯に向き合い、 妥協を許さず最高の逸品を創り上げる五味調和の心。
店主 入山 十三蔵
Staying in touch with the changing seasons, we bring out the flavors of the season and the deliciousness of the ingredients. A spirit of harmony between the five tastes that allows us to approach each ingredient with sincerity and create the finest dishes without compromise. We hope to provide our customers with a memorable moment.
Owner Tomizo Iriyama
日本料理 十三蔵(とみくら)
Tomikura is a Japanese restaurant located on a corner of Motomachi Tor Road.
The store has a dignified atmosphere, and we have created an open and comfortable space where everyone can relax and spend their time. It is also used for company use, anniversaries, auspicious events, and memorial services. Please feel free to contact us.
A sense of intimacy within elegance.

創業以来食事の最後の〆には十三蔵の 鯛茶漬けをご提供しております。 お茶漬けが鯛の香りで高級な逸品に… お酒のあとに五臓六腑に染み渡る 愛され続ける逸品です。
Since our establishment, we have been offering Tomikura’s Tai Chazuke to finish off our meals. The aroma of sea bream makes Ochazuke a high-class delicacy… It’s a delicacy that continues to be loved and permeates the heart and soul after drinking alcohol.

器は風神雷神で有名な俵屋宗達や尾形光琳の写しなど 特別注文で作った焼き物などを使用し 料理を引き立て華やかさや深みを演出しております 「器を変えれば味が変わる」 器も十三蔵のこだわりのひとつです
The vessels are copies of Tawaraya Sotatsu and Ogata Korin, who are famous for Fujin and Raijin. Using specially ordered pottery etc. It enhances the food and creates a sense of elegance and depth. “If you change the container, the taste will change.” The pottery is also one of Tomikura’s specialties.

移りゆく季節を大切に、旬を味わい尽くしていただけるよう、 基本に忠実に、一皿一皿に思いを込めた料理をご提供しています。 落ち着いた雰囲気の店内で、ランチコースでゆっくりと 愉しんでくだされば幸いです。
Lunch to enjoy seasonal flavors.
In order to cherish the changing seasons and enjoy them to the fullest, We serve dishes that are faithful to our basics and put a lot of thought into each and every dish. Relax with a lunch course in a restaurant with a calm atmosphere. I hope you enjoy it.

北は北海道、南は沖縄まで日本全国の「旬」を狙い撃ちして 仕入れております 「作り手が楽しければ自然に美味しい料理が生まれる」 シンプルかつ繊細に皆様のお食事の時間を豊かに彩ります その一例をご紹介いたします
Taking advantage of the natural flavors of ingredients.
We target and purchase seasonal ingredients from all over Japan, from Hokkaido in the north to Okinawa in the south. “If the cook has fun, delicious food will naturally come to life.” Simple and delicate, we will enrich your meal time. I would like to introduce one example.



十三蔵の味をご自宅でお楽しみ頂く おもたせも承っております。 常連様に好評の鯛茶漬けは 独自の製法で作られた胡麻ダレに 鯛を絡めてお召し上がり頂いております。 その胡麻ダレはお持ち帰りや通販でお買い求めも頂けます 贈り物としてもお役立てください。
Enjoy the taste of Tomikura at home.
Enjoy the taste of Tomikura at home We also accept gifts. The sea bream chazuke is popular among regular customers. Sesame sauce made using a unique method It is served with sea bream.
日本料理 十三蔵
- 〒650-0004
- 兵庫県神戸市中央区中山手通3丁目2−2-104
- 3-2-2-104 Nakayamate-dori, Chuo-ku, Kobe, Hyogo Prefecture
- 078-599-5230
- 営業時間
- LUNCH (昼)11:30~14:00
- DINNER (夜)17:00~22:00
- (お席のご利用はお食事後30分程度とさせていただいております。)
- (Seats will be available for approximately 30 minutes after the meal.)
- 定休日:不定休
- 席数
- カウンター 5席・テーブル個室 3室(2名~12名様用/扉・壁あり)
- 店内全面禁煙